Kodi Frodo/Gotham/Helix/Krypton Driver
Version 4.2
XBMC/Kodi Frodo 12.x - Krypton v17.x
Reach out with your XP MAC Address for a free license!
Licensing: The driver is licensed per XP processor. You can install as many instances as you wish on a given processor with a single license. Licenses are not transferable. Please use the driver's trial period to ensure it meets your expectations before purchasing. If you already have an Eden license this will work with this version too!
Frodo required an almost complete rewrite of the communication protocol. So while it looks similar on the surface, a lot changed!
Added Live TV/PVR support.

Release notes
3.05: Added jump/navigation commands for Favourites and PVR control
3.10: Fixed keyboard issue which caused the buffer to be overwritten, rather than added to
3.15: Added audio stream control
3.16: Added events for playback paused and started
4.2: Updated action list